Reformation Series: The 5 Solas of the Reformation

The 5 Solas of the Reformation are five basic doctrines that form the foundation of Luther’s theology and undergird the entire protestant movement. These doctrines are at the core of most Christian denominations, including the Apostolic movement. An understanding of these five “solas” is fundamental to understanding the Reformation and basic Christian theology. Please take […]

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Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church?

In Episode 5, Jaredith and Bryce discuss the mass exodus of millennials from the church. They try to understand the driving force behind this phenomena and pinpoint exactly what millennials want from the church. More than any previous generation, millennials value honesty and authenticity, especially from leaders. This authenticity is not found in churches that […]

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Biblical and Pastoral Directives & Personal Convictions (aka Holiness Standards)

In this episode, the hosts discuss Biblical and pastoral directives for holy living and personal convictions. These are commonly referred to as “holiness standards” and vary widely from church to church, among different organizations, and in different cultures and geographical areas. Please note that neither Bryce, nor Jaredith claim to be a spiritual authority for […]

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Christianity & Race (Pt. 2)

In Episode 3: Christianity & (Pt. 2), ,the hosts continue their discussion of the issues surrounding race in America and how it relates to our Christian walk. This segment covers the Christian response to the discussion of racism, the value of empathy, and the Biblical principles that should dictate our words and actions. We should […]

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Christianity & Race (Pt. 1)

  In episode 2, the hosts discuss the issue of race relations in America and how the church and the Christian should respond. Part 1 contains most of the political segment of the discussion, with the Christian application being covered mostly in part 2. Recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, involving a Neo-Nazi terrorist attack on […]

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